@extends('joynala.web-installer::app') @section('content')

Ready For Instalation

You will need to fill up the following mandatory items before proceeding.

{{-- Dynamic instalation process start here --}} @foreach ($environmentFields as $key => $types)
@foreach ($types as $name => $fields) @isset($fields['option']) @if ($fields['type'] == 'select')

@foreach ($fields['option'] as $k => $option) @endforeach
@endif @else
@endisset @endforeach

Ensure that the page remains unrefreshed and is not skipped, and confirm that your internet connection remains active.

@endforeach {{-- Dynamic instalation process end here --}} {{-- verify purchase code process start here --}} @if (config('installer.verify_purchase')) @endif {{-- verify purchase code process end here --}} {{-- Final Submission here star --}} {{-- Final Submission here end --}}
@endsection @push('scripts') @endpush